Tickets for Prom will be sold this week during the Activity Period in Mrs. Dunscomb’s Room 207. Tickets are $10 per person. Students may sign up for tables of 8 for dinner when you purchase your tickets. Prom is May 1st from 6:00 – 8:00 p.m. at the Decatur Conference Center.
The Key Club will meet on Sunday, April 18 at 4:00 PM in the Multipurpose Room. This month's speaker will be sharing our next service project, which is to partner with CASA for Child Abuse Prevention Month. New members are welcome!
The second half of the awards ceremony for FBLA was held this past Saturday. St. Teresa FBLA members did outstanding. Here are the results: Madison Prasun was elected as Illinois FBLA State Secretary. St. Teresa finished fourth in the State for Outstanding Chapter. Brandon Kurecki finished first in Future Business Leader and fourth in Who’s Who in FLBA. Madison placed third in Electronic Career Portfolio and fifth in Local Chapter Annual Report. Emma Stoneburg finished third in Client Services and Meera Mutharasan sixth in Introduction to Public Speaking. Brandon, Emma and Madison by finishing in the top three have qualified to compete at Nationals in June. Congratulations to all!
Discipleship Day will be held on Friday, April 16. Students have been assigned to service locations throughout Decatur. Attendance will be taken. If a student is unable to participate due to illness, please notify the main office by 8:30 AM.
Herff Jones will distribute caps & gowns to seniors on Monday, April 12 during the Activity Period. Seniors who are unable to pick up their graduation apparel on Monday may stop by the main office later in the week.