Winners from St. Teresa's calendar drive. Monetary prizes every day of the year. Congratulations to the October winners! 2019 Calendars will be available after Thanksgiving.
Shane Brilley
Trudy K Smith
David & Francesca Evelti
Mark & Tina Moore
Stan & Julia Livingston
Sandy Wallace
Laura Paxton
Tony & Marybeth Couri
Carol Ramsey
Teresa Edwards
Vicki Howell
Nancy Behymer
Lillian Mantay
David Peck
James & Chelli Branyan
Margaret Finfrock
Richard Bright
Shannon & Tamara Brownlow
Robin Caceres
Ellen Warren
Kristi Glassman
Steven Curtin
Clay & Jill Whitney
Brandi Rosenberger
Debbie Staab
Joe Santella
Ken Huffman
Deborah Gillen
Theresa Garrett
Lacey Pulcher
Get your 2019 Calendar today by purchasing from a student or
online here!