The State of Illinois requires that students obtain a physical examination at entry to ninth grade. The exam and any needed immunizations are due to St. Teresa by October 1, 2021. This exam is acceptable if completed on or after September 1, 2020. We encourage you to make your appointment early to avoid missing the State of Illinois October 15, 2021 exclusion deadline. If your child also needs a sports physical, it can be satisfied in one physical examination with the provider checking the “interscholastic sports” box at the bottom of the State of Illinois Child Health Examination Form. A sports physical alone does not fulfill the required school health exam. Incoming ninth graders are also required to have a dental exam prior to starting high school. Dentists are to complete the Proof of School Dental Examination Form. The form must then be submitted to the high school. Students entering 9th grade also need to have received 2 varicella vaccinations. If your child had the chicken pox disease, please make sure the provider marks the “Alternative Proof of Immunity” section on the exam form. If your child has a chronic condition which would require an emergency action plan here at school (diabetes, severe food allergy, asthma, seizure disorder, heart problems, etc.) and/or your physician has marked the “Emergency Action” box on the health form, please make sure the provider prints or completes a form for you. If your child has medication to be taken at school, even over-the-counter medication, we need a medication authorization form signed by your physician. The medication must have the child’s name affixed to the container. Lastly, please make sure YOU complete the “Health History” section of the physical form AND sign and date. We look forward to a wonderful and healthy year for your students. To print a physical form: To print a dental form: