Current Employment: Chief Operating Officer – Tharaldson Hospitality Management
Current Location: Forsyth, IL
Education: ST. TERESA HIGH SCHOOL, SIU Carbondale
Family: Husband, Tim (Class of 1984), daughter, Danielle (Class of 2010), daughter, Sydney (Class of 2015), son, Ryan (Class of 2017), and daughter, Addison (Class of 2020).
Activities involved in while attending St. Teresa: Basketball, Softball, Student Council & social events.
Your favorite memory of your time at St. Teresa: Too many to just recount one, but EVERY dance was great fun! Lots of great memories on the social and athletic side!
What does “leadership” mean to you and how do you utilize leadership in your daily life? Leadership is leading by example and mentoring others to be successful, both in their professional and personal lives. Nothing gives me more pleasure than seeing associates that worked with me, start their own business or move up the ranks in the organization, whether it is with Tharaldson or another strong company.
How was your St. Teresa education helped you with your current position of leadership? My time at ST. T helped me establish great relationships. In fact, several of my closest friends today are the same friends I’ve had since high school. In the business, I’m in today, or for any business, relationships are critical.
What advice would you give to a current student? Be a good person, give back, and remember how fast time flies and live each day to it’s fullest. We all make mistakes, but learn from those and move on.
What would you say to a family considering to attend St.Teresa? St. Teresa is a strong, faith-based institution where your child/children will receive an excellent education. If you want to experience a “family environment” and have your child experience a top-notch education, St. T. will provide that and more!