There will be an audition meeting for all those interested in participating in the spring musical today in Mrs. Davis’ room during the Activity Period after announcements. Auditions for High School Musical will be held on Monday and Tuesday, December 3rd and 4th, after school in the music room.
A State send-off celebration will take place tomorrow (Friday) at 11:40 in the gym lobby to celebrate Jackson Stewart and Veronica Hein as they head off to State. All are welcome!
The Student Council will be hosting a celebration assembly for the Boys’ Soccer team on Sunday, October 28th, @ 1:00 p.m. in the gym to celebrate their successful season. All are welcome to attend. Tell your friends and family.
The 23rd annual Coats for Kids drive has begun. We are collecting coats, gently used and new, for families in need of warm winter coats for their children. There is a collection container in the Main Hallway across from the Main Office.
During the activity period (2:15) a State Send Off ceremony will take place in the gymnasium as the boys' soccer team heads off to compete for the program's first State Championship.
The WSOY Community Food Drive is October 5th. St. Teresa will have 2 shifts for volunteers: one shift from 8-10:30 a.m. and one from 11:30-2:00 p.m. We are in need of 10-15 students for each shift. If you are interested in volunteering, please pick up a permission form from Mrs. Bowser.
St. Teresa fall sports pictures will be taken on Friday, September 28. No order sheets will be sent home. Photos may be ordered online at Photos will be mailed directly to parents. Pictures will begin at 7:30 am on Friday starting with volleyball, followed by soccer, football, golf, and swim.
Thank-Scrip-ing Day is here, and you’re going to earn big bonus rebates up to 20% on your favorite eGift cards (ScripNow®) and reloads. But hurry—they’re only here until 1:59 CT
All grandparents of current St. Teresa High School students are invited to join their grandchildren for lunch next Friday, September 7. Please RSVP to the Advancement Office at 875-7950 by Wednesday, September 5, 2018.
On Wednesday, September 5, the Drama Club will be holding its first meeting of the year. Come to find out how to get involved with school plays, a trip to St. Louis to see Aladdin, and a summer trip to New York City!
We are looking for students willing to share their talents with the Lord and with fellow students. We are beginning a Liturgy Choir and need you to lift your voices and lead your school in a very special way. St. Augustine said, “He who sings, prays twice.” Practice will begin on Monday, August 27th, before school. Details to follow. If you are interested, there is a sign-up sheet on the Service Opportunities Board.
The Dawg Pound, which is another name for our awesome student section, is looking for members from every class (especially freshmen and sophomores) to help out this year. All students interested in becoming a Dawg Pound member, please meet in the multipurpose room on Friday, August 24, during the Activity Period.
Volunteers are needed on Sunday and Monday of Labor Day weekend, September 2nd and 3rd, for the Friends of the Library book sale at the Decatur Civic Center to help customers load and unload their shopping cart. For more details or to sign-up, please see the Service Opportunities Board located outside the Main Office.
Any student that arrives in the Main Office after 8:00 a.m. will be considered tardy. You are allowed two tardies each semester with no penalty. The third tardy will be considered unexcused and will result in a detention. See page 21 of your student planner for more details.